About me
At different times in my life, I have described myself as an artist, a designer, a teacher, a curator, a
manager, an organizer, a preparator, and a dozen other things…whatever was needed at that
moment. My academic background includes undergraduate degrees in visual arts and arts
administration, a Master’s degree in art history, and Master’s coursework in education.
Everything considered I suppose I could be called a Renaissance woman (ha), or a “Jill of all
trades,” or, more accurately, a restless seeker.
I find my inspiration everywhere, in everything small and large. The art historian in me is always
lurking, creating tenuous connections to the past. As a maker of art, I see myself as one who
practices day in and day out, always feeling most at home with the familiarity of my tools and
mediums. My practice is a both privilege and a calling.